0. talks too much.
1. prefers non-existent people.
2. loves animals.
3. used to be a vegetarian. How come she could be that picky?
4. is a keen player of the game of go.
5. does not like being close to smokers.
6. is a free software hacker.
7. likes to hack her mind.
8. uses computers way too much.
9. loves cooking. It is just a matter of a well planned experiment.
10. still learns to be content with her housewife role.
11. loves ropes.
12. is a nerd. Managed to get quite well adapted for a life in a human society.
13. loves music, classical and medieval mostly.
14. can fly while listening to the music of the Dead Can Dance.
15. likes tea.
16. does not like a city environment.
17. as small baby, she has been breastfed for more than two years.
18. likes reading.
19. can make a proper bread.
20. loves singing.
21. does not like tomatoes.
22. enjoys being a mother.
23. is afraid of Big Brother.
24. believes that bash is the best piece of software ever written.
25. would like to learn at least as many natural languages as the programming languages she already had to learn.
26. loves naked computers.
27. is still dreaming.
28. quorks.
29. finally started to do some stretching daily.
30. plays like a child.
31. believes in the Penguin, His Prophet Linus and the Holy Kernel Source.
32. is not fully resistant to the heresy of Darwin.
33. loves giving hugs.
34. does not close the door.
35. cannot write by hand.
36. cannot sleep in a room with a computer running.
37. got drunk at the age of fourteen for the first time. She is not willing to try it once again.
38. has eyes that change their colour.
39. does not bite her nails anymore. Finally some positive result of her meditation practice!
40. pretends being adult...
41. ...but you definitely should not believe it to her.
42. likes going to mountains.
43. does not like cars.
44. is missing Ještěd.
45. detests learning by heart.
46. cannot do basic arithmetic without a computer.
47. struggles to get up early.
48. is too clumsy to learn sewing well. But she does not give up, kids in Bangladesh can learn it too!
49. sometimes wishes to be far far away.
50. coped with the fact she can be easily identified as a computer geek.
51. does not watch TV.
52. breeds plush polar bears.
53. is willing to help friends with their homeworks.
54. is interested in mythology.
55. avoid Windows operating system as much as she can.
56. is making fun of frowning people in the subway.
57. is lazy.
58. knows you are happy to be near the end of this list.
59. plans to ritually tear apart a letter from BSA.
60. avoids going by bus.
61. is owned by two cats.
62. has a soulmate.
63. is fine.